How to Play Rebound Cup

The following video is a visual explanation of the official Rebound Cup rules for "proper" recreating and professional play. But feel free to change the rules to achieve maximum fun levels.

How to Play Rebound Cup

The Basic Rules of Playing Rebound Cup

Rebound Cup is played with two, four, or six players whose objective is to throw their ping pong ball at the other team's board and make it bounce all the way back and land into the cups in their board.


Be the first team to reach or exceed a score of 21 points.

Rebound Cup Equipment

  • Rebound Cup Boards (Basic or Custom): Standard Rebound Cup backboards are 24-in. x 30-in. with a base that is 24-in. x 12-in. with ten 3-in. diameter holes.
  • Rebound Cup Cups: All ten holes in each board should have a plastic cup placed inside of them. It is ideal to have 6 ounces of liquid in each cup but the game can still be played without liquid in the cups.
  • Rebound Cup Balls: Each team has six ping pong balls divided equally among them. Different colored balls for each team is recommended but not required.

Rebound Cup Board Distance

Rebound Cup Board Distance: The Rebound Cup boards are placed 8 feet apart from front edge to front edge.

  • Kids, seniors, or physically impaired adults may want to move the board closer together to 4-6 feet.

Rebound Cup Rules

  • Rebound Cup is played with two teams, consisting of either one player (singles), two players (doubles), or three players (triples).
  • Players throw their balls in an overhand motion from either behind or next to each side of the board as long as their foot does not pass the front edge of the board.
  • Players alternate turns throwing their ping pong balls toward the opposite board trying to make them bounce back to their own cups.
  • After each team has thrown six balls, players take score, and resume to throwing for the next round.
  • The team who scored points in the previous inning goes first in the next inning. If it was tied, the team who went first in the last inning gets to go first again.

Winning the Points Game

The first team to reach or exceed 21 points wins the game.

Rebound Cup Scoring For Points Game

  • A ball that lands in one of the four corner cups is worth 4 points each.
  • A ball that lands into the one cup in the front middle is worth 3 points each.
  • A ball that lands in one of the two center middle cups is worth 2 points each.
  • A ball that lands in one of the three rear middle cups is worth 1 point each.
  • A ball that touches the ground at any time is worth 0 points.
  • A ball that is thrown directly into the other team's cups counts as the other team's points.

Winning the Drinking Game

The first team to make the ball into and remove all ten of their cups wins the game.

Rebound Cup Scoring For Drinking Game

  • When a ball lands in any one of the ten cups, the opposing team must remove that cup from the board and drink its contents.
  • A ball that touches the ground at any time does not count.
  • A ball that is thrown directly into the opposing team's cups allows the opposing team to either remove any one of their own cups or replace any one of your team's cups.
  • Each team can rearrange the formation of their cups twice during the game. For instance, If a team has made it into all six of the cups in the center and cannot make it into the corner cups, they may move the corner cups into the center which counts as one of their two rearrangements.